Saturday, September 7, 2013

One week to go in this short round.

So, I started my 7th round with the intention of going the full 45 days. My goal is to lose 30lbs, and then I will actually be at my pre pregnancy weight (11 years ago) and be at my ultimate goal weight.
My husband is feeling fat for some reason. We all eat relatively healthy now and follow a paleo/primal diet when not dropping. I think he's just jealous of how light and awesome one feels while dropping, and he's probably jealous that he see's me losing weight, when he wants to be losing the last 20lbs he has to lose.. Anyway, to appease him, I have agreed to end this round early so we can load and start another round together in mid October. Oh, I know, I'm just no generous.
I hope he appreciates what I'm sacrificing here! My goal for this round will be at least a 10lb loss.
Wish me luck!

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Add me on facebook!

I update my facebook daily, and always have new recipes. You can also ask me any questions regarding healthy living in general.

Starting round 7- may be my final round!!

I have successfully lost 120lbs in under a year with hcg drops. I took the summer off from losing weight, so I could basically drink beer at the river. I have maintained my 120lb weight loss. Today I started round 7 of my journey. I have 30lbs to go till I am at my goal weight-- my pre pregnancy weight over 10 years ago. Very excited with my results and I know for a fact I will find success with this round. Feel free to ask me anything, I  am a wealth of knowledge on the protocol.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Update on my progress

It was brought to my attention that I have not updated this blog in a while, though I already knew I was failing at this blog thing, I will try harder to check in.
I started hcg drops on June 3rd 2012. June 3rd is my husband an mothers birthday, so that was perfect for me to load and I knew I would never forget my start date if I chose an important day.
Today is May 9th, 2013, I am 9 days into my 6th round of hcg drops and have lost 117lbs (not counting loading weight, which would make my loss more like 160lbs)
I have about 30lbs to go till by goal weight and I can't believe I did it.
I tried, and I  was diligent, every diet or suppliment under the sun for the 8 years that I was morbidly obese and nothing worked.

Now, you have to work too, but I always gave 100% to  all the fad diets only for them to fail me. If you try you can not fail.